Pork Chop Crispy Bun of Cafe de Coral 大家樂豬扒包
美味少爺 2015-4-27 15:44
Pork Chop Crispy Bun of Cafe de Coral 大家樂豬扒包
Pork Chop Crispy Bun must not be a very special item. It is commonly available in cafe and restaurant. The photo below is in fact a Pork Chop Crispy Bun Tea Set and the price is only Hong Kong fifteen dollars (or USD1.92). There are totally five selections in afternoon tea set. Needless to ...
個人分類: Others|450 次閱讀|0 個評論
Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (June Fourth Incident 六四事件) 3
美味少爺 2015-2-26 23:00
Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 (June Fourth Incident 六四事件) 3
This sticker was found on a tram in 2010. Already 23 years. We will keep on reminding the alive and informing the young the Massacre you did on 4th June 1989, until ... . Zhao Ziyang spoke on 19 May 1989. Behind him, the State Council Premier, Wen Jiabao ...
個人分類: Others|670 次閱讀|0 個評論
September 18th Incident - 918 事件
美味少爺 2015-2-26 22:52
September 18th Incident - 918 事件
Historical Display of September 18th Incidentin Shenyang, Liaoning, PRC. This is the entrance of the Museum. I am afraid we should give an award to the designer of such an 'instrument of torture'. The award should be named "The World Greatest Designer of the Year 1937" ...
個人分類: Others|489 次閱讀|0 個評論