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Kwan Kee Restaurant 坤記煲仔小菜 2 @ Sai Wan 西環

已有 624 次閱讀2016-7-4 14:27 |個人分類:HK Sai Wan|系統分類:Food @ HK

Oyster in Salt & Pepper $55. Though oyster is small in size but fresh, it is crispy on the surface, and still juicy inside. No matter whether you are oyster-holic, it is recommended to try.

Rice with Eel & Chicken in Clay Pot and Rice with Eel & Beef in Clay Pot @$38. Beef is tender, juicy and tasty. This is really unexpected.

Stewed Bitter Gourd with Thread-sail Filefish . The fish is fresh as well. We can finish the whole dish in short, as it is not oily and salty.


Kwan Kee Restaurant
G/F, Wo Yick Building, 263 Queen's Road West, West Point, Hong Kong. (Next to McDonald's, in Kwai Heung Street)
香港西環皇后大道西263號和益大廈地下 (桂香街內)
Tel: 28037209
Opening Hours: Daily
Style: Hong Kong
Average spending: $80
Date: June 2007
Remarks: No 10% services charge.

We visit Kwan Kee again as we really want to try different dishes and re-try the signature rice in clay pot . After we are allotted to a table, we immediately order "rice in clay pot" as it takes at least 20 minutes to cook . The bill is $169. The performance is still good, food quality and taste are maintained at high level. Kwan Kee is a small local restaurant telling you what typical local delicious Chinese foods are.

Service: 3/5
Price: 4/5
Food: 4/5
Environment: 2.5/5
Variety: 4/5
Hygiene: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5






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