- Nga Tsin Long Road 衙前塱道 @ Kowloon City 九龍城
香江遺風 2015-1-2 01:31
Nga Tsin Long Road is a street in Kowloon City, between Prince Edward Road East (太子道東) and Carpenter Road (賈炳達道). Several shops mainly sell Chiu Chow food materials. The shops in this street are very special and unique, they are sellers of tofu, ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|669 次閱讀|0 個評論
- No. 9 Ma Tau Kok Road 馬頭角道9號 @ Tokwawan 土瓜灣
香江遺風 2014-12-31 23:18
Li Salon should not be a famous salon, this record is not to promote it. It started business in August 2013. It is the building where the salon locates is too old. It should have more than 50 years’ history. This 5-storeyed building (it should be 4-storey originally) should then be dem ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|841 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Yuen Hop Chiu Chow Grocery 元合潮州雜貨店 @ Kowloon City 九龍城
香江遺風 2014-12-30 12:26
Yuen Hop should have been operating in Kowloon City for at least thirty years, I guess. This is the style of a typical local grocery store. All items are displayed without price tag. But the storekeepers know them well. In view of ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|1053 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Lux Theatre 寶石戲院 @ Hung Hom 紅磡
香江遺風 2014-12-29 23:38
Lux Theatre is in Hung Hom, Kowloon. It has a history of more than forty years. It is the only cinema in Hong Kong nowadays that tickets are sold by writing the seat numbers on it manually. Ticketing selling has not yet been computerized. Or, there is no need to computeri ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|1806 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Tai Wo Tong Ginseng Medicine Company 大和堂參茸藥行 @ Kowloon City 九龍城 ...
香江遺風 2014-12-29 23:02
Tai Wo Tong has been operating in Kowloon City for nearly seventy years in 2014. Tai Wo Tong has been operating in Kowloon City for nearly seventy years in 2014. It was originally a traditional Chinese physician on the second floor, while the ground floor remains a retailer of C ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|929 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Yuen Hing Fruit Shop 源興水果專賣店 @ Kowloon City 九龍城
香江遺風 2014-12-29 22:29
Yuen Hing Fruit Shop is a retail shop of fruits and wines in Kowloon City. Some fruits and wines are from Japan. Besides fruits and wines, it also sells Shanghai crab, snacks from Hokkaido, seafood, canned food and fruit basket. It operates 24 hours a day. In fro ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|2362 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Wing Hing Restaurant 榮興茶餐廳 @ Tokwawan 土瓜灣
香江遺風 2014-12-29 22:10
Wing Hing is a typical Cha Chaan Teng in Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. In terms of its food quality and location, pricing is reasonable. They should have tried the best to provide a different and younger environment from o ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|778 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Kam Lai Cafe 金麗餐廳 @ Tokwawan 土瓜灣
香江遺風 2014-12-27 22:44
Kam Lai Cafe should have a history of thirty years, from this worn signage. This is a cafe with character. Menu is posted on the blue board. This is called today meal set at HK$27. It is too reasonable. It is a loca ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|519 次閱讀|0 個評論
- Buddha Festival Auspicious Ceremony 佛誕節吉祥大會浴佛大典
香江遺風 2014-12-25 20:04
Buddha Auspicious Ceremony is held in Hong Kong Coliseum every year. It is needed to get / buy tickets. Inside the Coliseum, it is a gathering of about seven thousand people to read sutra and have some Buddhist rituals together. If you are followers, you may pray devo ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|609 次閱讀|0 個評論
- 43-45F Ma Tau Wai Road, Hung Hom. 紅磡馬頭圍道43-45F號
香江遺風 2014-12-25 19:39
43-45F Ma Tau Wai Road is a series of old 17 buildings of five storeys in Hung Hom, these blocks are of more than 50 years’ history. They should be built before 1964. They are quite standardized in appearance as those buildings erected in that period. Each ladder can acc ...
個人分類: Kowloon City 九龍城|701 次閱讀|0 個評論