
Shek Yam Road 石蔭路 @ Kwai Chung 葵涌

熱度 1已有 720 次閱讀2014-12-9 23:58 |個人分類:Kwai Tsing 葵青|系統分類:Travel @ HK

North Kwai Chung Market & Public Libruary

Shek Yam Road (石蔭路) is an S-shaped road, from Tung Chi Street in the north, to Wo Yi Hop Road (打磚坪街) and Ta Chuen Ping Street (打磚坪街) in the south. It is nearly parallel to Wo Yi Hop Road.

On both sides of Shek Yam Road, there are relatively new buildings of about twenty floors. There are also old buildings of about five floors.

This white building is Kwai Fat Building (葵發大廈), it was also constructed in 1972.

The building is damaged. It is called Kam Shek Building (金石樓) and has a history of 41 years, in 2014. It was built in 1973.

It can therefore be deduced that buildings in Shek Yam Road should be built at around 1972 and 1973.

The street is not wide, it is anyway accessible by public bus.

Kam Luk Building (金祿樓) was built in 1972, it is 42 years old, in 2014. It is a building of five floors only.

The shops in the street include cha chaan teng, eateries, bank, retail outlets and convenience stores. 

It is mainly a residential area. All shops are to provide services and goods for daily needs.

Islet Relics /2014






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回復 thermostat 2018-6-23 08:32
【塞到喊】葵涌石蔭街日日塞 巴士卡住變三文治
/06 2018


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