Tat Wan (模達灣) is a small bay in South Lamma Island, on the spur of land that juts east. It is very close to Aberdeen. There is ferry from Aderdeen to Sok Kwu Wan (索罟灣) via Mo Tat Wan, on a regular basis. At Mo Tat Wan, there are about ten houses. At Mo Tat, there are a restaurant called 'The Bay' and a shop called Lun Kee Store (麟記士多). Besides the houses in Mo Tat Wan, there are also Mo Tat New Village (模達新村) and Mo Tat Old Village (模達舊村). Basically there is no inhabitant in Mo Tat Old Village. Since Lamma Island is very small, particularly during holidays and weekends, quite a lot of holiday-seekers and hikers will visit Mo Tat and other parts of Lamma Island, via Mo Tat.
This ferry is from Aberdeen to Sok Kwu Wan, via Mo Tat.
Overlooking Aberdeen and South Hong Kong Island.
Mo Tat Wan is calm and natural.
THE BAY is the largest construction in Mo Tat.
There is also a store, serving bbq stuffs, mahjong, instant noodle, beer and soft drinks.
There are about ten houses in Mo Tat Wan.
The dog looks smart.