
Ching Uk Tsuen & Ancestral Hall 程屋村及程氏家祠 @ So Kwun Wat Tsuen 掃管笏村 .. ...

已有 986 次閱讀2015-6-9 08:09 |個人分類:Tuen Mun 屯門|系統分類:Travel @ HK

This So Kwun Wat Tsuen Road (掃管笏村路) leads to Ching Uk Tsuen and ancentral hall (程屋村及程氏家祠).

The guidepost is a little bit old.

This is already Ching Uk Tsuen and this is the main trail in the village.

Though the village is old (should have more than 100 years), old houses have been replaced by these newer ones.

Not all houses are occupied now, but at least 30% should be occupied, I guess. Most villagers moved to urban area for work. In times of festivals, when they go back to the village, it is always crowded and filled with festive atmosphere.

In front of the ancestral hall, there is a large piece of land. Since this village is smaller, in comparison with Chan's and Lee's clans of So Kwun Wat Tsuen, there is no fung shui pond in front of the ancestral hall. 

Since this area is remote and not familiar by outsiders, bascially there are no visitors for the whole day. There is no need for them to close the door. It is a proof of the good security, and the mutual help & protection in Ching Uk Tsuen.

This is the Ching's Ancestral Hall. It is a small construction with golden roof and pale-blue wall.

Since Ching Uk Tsuen is small comparatively, the ancestral hall is smaller too.

It is divided into two chambers.

Between the front and main chambers, there is a courtyard to allow natural light to penetrate.

The altar is comparatively simpler in all aspects.

All couplets are protected by transparent plastic sheet, in order to prolong the life of each couplet.

Ching Uk Tsuen & Ancestral Hall
So Kwun Wat Sun Tsuen, Tuen Mun,

Islet Relics /2015






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