
Wong Tai Sin Temple 黃大仙祠 2

熱度 1已有 774 次閱讀2014-8-19 19:03 |個人分類:Wong Tai Sin 黃大仙|系統分類:Travel @ HK

Wong Tai Sin Temple

In the beginning of Lunar New Year, it is a custom for the people to visit and worshop Wong Tai Sin, for the hope of peace and luck in the whole year. We of course would not visit on the first three days of the first lunar month, it is too crowded and very dangerous.   No matter whether you visit Wong Tai Sin Temple 
(黃大仙祠) for the purpose of practicing "Kau Cim" or just a visit, you will like the atmosphere and splendor of the temple.

12 Chinese Zodiacs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_zodiac

There is continuous flow of followers, but it is not too crowded.

The Main Altar

Confucian Hall

Free incense is available inside the temple.

The sky is clear in the afternoon.

The temple is not noisy (apart from the sound of practicing Kau Cim) as followers are concentrating in their own worship.

May Wong Tai Sin bless the people in Hong Kong and the world!

The temple is located on the southern side of Lion Rock in the north of Kowloon.

There is no need to queue up. What a great day and nice visit to Wong Tai Sin Temple.

Islet Relics /2013






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回復 thermostat 2017-1-25 22:42
黃大仙祠香爐移近大殿 上頭炷香近距離參拜
回復 thermostat 2017-1-25 22:42
黃大仙祠打造環保廟宇 助善信去「凡塵」


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