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Why did you like to play football, but now you like to play basketball?









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發表於 2023-3-19 23:55:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Why did you like to play football, but now you like to play basketball?

Talking with a friend's son J, talking with young people often has unexpected results.
J has reached the late stage of adolescence, please don't think that I ask him about sex. In fact, he can talk to his father or communicate with his classmates about sex. When they reached puberty, they were all very active and would never stop. Therefore, several of their close classmates all played football. After playing for two years, they already had a mutual understanding.

Suddenly, one of the classmates, A, didn't want to play football anymore and quit their team. A didn't change his behaviour, or started to concentrate on studying instead of playing football, but because he wanted to play basketball.
J, as a classmate, can only let his teammate leave. Although it is said to be leaving, in fact they meet every day. They all go to same class together, but A has no presence in the football team. There are many unexpected and unpredictable things in the world, and there are too many unpredictable things.

I asked J, why did A leave the football team, did he really not like football? A person originally liked football, so he shouldn't suddenly leave his favorite interest. J said he didn't know. I asked J, what does A look like in outlook? Is it tall and mighty, or fat and short? J said, neither of them, but the thin type. I asked J, how tall is A, and J replied, about five feet two. I said, the problem has been solved, because of the height problem, A wants to play basketball, hoping to grow taller, J agrees with this inference.

To a large extent, a favorite interest will not stop for no reason and change to another interest. There should be a very good reason to change this favorite interest.
Of course, I would like to thank J for being willing to talk to me and telling me a living story.


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