日月魚/明目魚 (Dried Ming Mu Yu)
日月魚也稱明目魚,它的營養價值很高,具有補肝益腎,清肝明目,養顏美髮的功效。 日月魚用來煲湯,可調節人體代謝平衡,養眼明目防眼疾,最適合電腦一族人士。
Dried Ming Mu Yu is also known as bright eye fish. It has high nutritional value and has the effects of nourishing liver and kidney, clearing liver and improving eyesight, and beautifying hair. Dried Ming Mu Yu is used to make soup, which can adjust the balance of human metabolism, improve eyesight and prevent eye diseases. It is most suitable for computer people.
/07 2022